Wednesday, September 28, 2011

WANTED: Data Management Experts

With the growing adoption of our technologies in the telecoms market comes the need of delivering excellent customer service. In this regards customer trials of our solutions are as abundant as feathers in an eagle. There are more field trial request than the existing deployment team can handle, this is a very good thing! Like in any product implementation the first impression always counts, hence make it right the first time.

Rapid prototyping and fast proof of concept delivery coupled with good quality are our trade mark. Maintaining that is a challenge given the same challenge in finding the right resources fits into our culture. Like any growing company, we have had our successes and failures, lots of failures that are encourage and ultimately made the product as robust, powerful, flexible and highly scalable as it is today. In most cases making converts out of skeptics is as easy as showing a demo. One example is in the desktop solution where we load, correlate, generate reports and analysis of 6000 physical sectors, 2 GB of configuration dump and 300 GB of recordings takes around 10 minutes for the entire process to complete (from loading all data from scratch to correlation to generation of reports and analysis), just imagine what you can do with continuous monitoring using the server solution where it can support 100 Billion primitives per sever instance. It gives the engineer almost unlimited capabilities….

With such impressive demo, it’s impossible to avoid requests for custom capabilities using ideas that customer have only dreamed of before and now they can grasp that it can be done. One good example is 4 dimensional analysis or even more. Some of the trials we are involved in sometimes seems impossible to most people like proving scalability by running trials on more than 10 TB of data. Herein lies the challenge of recruiting the right people with the right skills and the right mindset… Are you up to the challenge?

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