Friday, October 14, 2011

Extracting Customer Experience

As the old saying goes ”there more ways than one to skin a cat”, in the world of telecoms there are more ways than one to extract customer experience. In the old days we used drive testing and propagation analysis to simulate customer experience, additionally we look at call data records and performance counters to know what they have experienced. We also analyzed protocol stacks to see where the problems that user experience lies, later we migrated this to a full probing solution. And recently we started looking at network recordings and started to look at actual usage directly from each and every subscriber mobiles.

Extracting user experience directly from the subscriber mobile is the best way to know their experience, herein lies the information not captured by any network recordings, probes or taps, the state of the subscriber handset. By knowing how, where and why the subscriber is using his or her mobile phone answer the question of what is the subscriber experiencing when using the serviced provided by the network. Knowing that allows the network operator to improve its services where it is needed and wanted, thus satisfying the customer and increasing both usage and retention.

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