Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Are you ready for changing customer behavior?

With the  very fast uptake of OTT (Over The Top) applications and services such as Whatsapp, Viber, etc we have noticed from various CEM deployments globally that mobile phone user's behavior has changed dramatically. Its no longer just being mobile, no longer just being able to access the internet anywhere but more importantly being able to do all those at no cost. At no cost meaning the use of OTT applications that are easily available and used by subscribers when it is free to do so. Mobile phone users, especially in this economy are very cost conscious, they will wait to make phone calls until they are in a free network (e.g. WiFi) and use OTT application such as Whatsapp or Viber, an observation from more than 60 countries.

Some of this behavior are known to some operators, most are not aware of it and some have not even touched the tip of the ice berg.  Those who do know can align their strategies to ensure profitability and customer satisfaction at the same time. Having said that customer behavior varies from country to country, from network to network and its all up to the service providers to find out how their subscriber behaves, their preferences and usage. Finding out actual customer behavior from their devices is just the beginning, the challenge is would a service provider, big or small, adapt their services to this age of app economy….

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